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People are commonly still in pain following “successful” back surgery!

Surprisingly, back surgery often does not relieve the pain! Research suggests that 20-40 % of back operations do not eliminate pain or symptoms. This result is so common that there is a medical term for it: failed back surgery syndrome. Spine surgery is basically able to accomplish only 2 things; decompress a pinched nerve root or stabilize a painful joint.

Unfortunately, back or spine surgery cannot literally cut out a patient’s pain. It is only able to treat the anatomical lesion (injury) that is a probable cause of back pain, which must be identified prior to rather than surgery.

The takeaway? See us first! Most pain in the lower back can be treated without surgery. In most cases, conservative measures should be exhausted before a back operation. At Triangle Spinal Decompression, we offer a safe, effective & affordable alternative to spinal surgery.

For those who are still in pain following surgery, we may still offer help! Our comprehensive facility offers alternatives to “pain management” with drugs or other invasive procedures!

Find out how Triangle Spinal Decompression may provide the answers you’re looking for. Call 919-469-8897 or visit

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