This amazing treatment provides relief for back & neck pain sufferers by painlessly reducing the pressure within spinal discs. The vertebrae of the spine are slowly stretched during treatment. Simply, as vertebrae separate, pressure is reduced within the disc until a negative vacuum is formed. This vacuum draws the body's healing cells into damaged/injured tissue & has been shown to reduce the size of disc bulges/ herniations. This reduction decreases spinal nerve pressure; eliminating pain & disability. This is the same goal of surgery.
Spinal Decompression treatment is computer controlled to provide gentle & painless treatment of the injured spinal discs. The computer manages the slow separation of discs & cycles btwn traction & relaxation. This reduces protective muscle tension & spasm that contributed to the poor success rate of outdated "traction" techniques.
Spinal Decompression is a safe alternative to invasive spinal surgery or addictive Rx drugs. We have an enviable success rate reducing & even eliminating back & neck pain altogether. We help patients who are suffering from chronic, debilitating, pain or have been told they need back surgery.