Formanal stenosis refers to a narrowing of the opening in the spine for the nerves that exit our spinal cord & travel into the body. Nerve impingement due to neural foraminal stenosis can damage the nerve, which is a serious problem.
The causes of foraminal stenosis include:
• Injuries
• Aging
• Inflammatory conditions
• Spinal surgery
• Growths or tumors
• Scoliosis may contribute
Symptoms include:
• Low back or neck pain
• Numbness or weakness in the extremities
• Radiating pain
• Sciatica
• Difficulty with walking or balance
In the lumbar spine, approx 1/3 of the neuroforamina is comprised of the vertebral disc. Due to the previously mentioned causes, the disc may lose its normal height leading to narrowing & nerve pressure. Non-surgical spinal decompression helps to remove pressure by opening the joint space & rehydrating the disc. This procedure successfully takes the pressure off of the nerve root; relieving pain & symptoms.
At Triangle Spinal Decompression, you’ll receive a thorough evaluation & correct diagnosis. Although we cannot help everyone, we have an enviable record of success. Call 919-469-8897. In person in Cary NC at 3750 NW Cary Pkwy